Another One Bites The Dust

P2S this time. The rumors were correct.
“Cross the wrong moderator there and you’re out” I was told.

As I said before, UK Prepping and Survival Forums are either over the top politically correct, elitist, or over moderated to destruction (not forgetting the idiots and kids).

Took me a while to work out which moderator to prod but bang on first time.
I’m getting better at this as it usually takes me 2 or 3 attempts to get banned.

Still 8 down, 15 (ish) to go.

It’s difficult to keep up with all the new forums, they seem to be growing at the rate of 1 every couple of months.

Funnily enough, you soon recognise the membership from other forums as they either drift away or get banned for some minor indiscretion.

It’s a shame as Prepping and Survival Forums should be a place for frank discussion covering a wide range of subjects.
Yet that is not the case. Well not the case in the UK.

Sometimes the practical side of Prepping and Survival are suppressed and the opportunity to learn and impart essential knowledge prevented by the canning and jam brigade.

This was the last of the UK “Pay for Elite Membership” Prepping and survivalist Forums on my hit list but I’ll keep looking out for others.

Luckily this phenomenon is a uniquely UK trait with European and especially the American forums more grown up about things.

Add the excellent Canadian forums and there is still plenty of good forums and blogs to read and contribute to.

My plea to UK Prepper and Survivalist
forum users is simple.

Mushrooms are kept in the dark and fed B.S.

Fight Over Moderation & Political Correctness
Where ever you find it.

Feel free to comment but be polite, all ages read this blog.