Head for the countryside!

The UK forums discussion of where everyone is going to Bug Out to and what the ideal Bug Out Vehicle (BOV) is makes for amusing reading.

Yet when you try and pin an individual down, ask for them to put up a realistic plan for scrutiny, it all goes quiet. It’s nothing to do with OPSEC or anything like that though (although some will claim that).

It’s just an embarrassing realization that their plans haven’t been thought through.
The major ’tilt’ though is where exactly are they considering bugging out to?
We live on a tiny island 830 (ish) miles bottom left to top right with poor road, rail, and air infrastructures.
Yet the forum sheeple say they’ll head for either “The center of England”, “the countryside”, or “high ground”.
Looking at their wishes, you’ll find an interesting choice of locations.

Center of England
On the UK mainland the generally accepted center of England is disputed between Lillington to the west of Coventry and the Midland Oak, near Leamington Spar.

Or, the furthest point away from the sea, is at Coton in the Elms, South Derbyshire.
They are all approximately 80-100 meters above sea level (ASL).
All three of them are 80-85 miles from the sea.
Wow, impressive (not).

High Ground comes next.
The highest point in the UK is Ben Nevis at 1343m.
The lowest point is The Fens at -4m.

Distance from the center to Ben Nevis is 400 (ish) miles.
Nearly 8 hours drive assuming you can get there.

As you can see, the majority of the UK is under 250m ASL.
One major global shift of sea level and most of the UK has gone.

Me, I’m looking for bugging out to a BOAT!

The Countryside.
Difficult to map this one but I’ve tried.
Simple mapping, White is low population, the redder the more.

It’s not exactly easy to escape from people in the UK is it?
Yet the desire is to “escape to the countryside”.

The point of this article.
Reality and fantasy in UK prepping planning is something everyone needs to acknowledge.

It’s just stupid to come out with the mantra “I’ll escape to the countryside” and “Get out of Cities because it’s safer” and not have a carefully considered plan on just what you’re going to do.
Imagine that the UK government (not known for giving good advice) tells everyone to evacuate London.
Instant gridlock on the worlds biggest parking lot the M25.

Wait for a week or so and although the roads will be jammed with abandoned vehicles (a good source of supplies and other goodies), the possibility is that there won’t be so many people.

Food For Thought.

  • Perhaps, just perhaps, it’s going to be better to sit tight and wait for “the big die off” unless you can get out before an event.
  • Where are you going to?
  • How are you going to get there?
  • What are you going to find there?
  • What if you can’t get there?
  • What if your beloved BOV gets stuck in a massive traffic jam, FOR EVER!
  • What will you carry on your road trip especially if you end up on foot.

My Personal Plans

Why on earth would I divulge those. I’ve got to be mad!
Yet am I? Who exactly am I trying to evade and protect myself from?
The authorities already know where I live, my family does, my neighbours do.
Plus I’m not exactly divulging anything!!!

My personal plan is to stay put if I can until I can’t.
I’m under no illusion that I’ll be perfectly safe at home.
It’s just that there is no where safe to go to.
Once outside there is no protection on the streets and
Eventually I’ll end up on foot, just like everyone else.

Ha Ha, and you thought I’d go into detail.

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